Hello, my name is

Okafor Raphael

I’m a Frontend developer specializing in building and designing exceptional digital experiences.
Making things people use has fascinated and challenged me since i was a kid.

Contact me

About Me

Photo of Okafor Raphael
I love building stuff

I started playing with computers at a young age. Since then, I have been tinkering with all sorts of technologies that lead me to the path of Mechanical Engineering and now Frontend Development.

Here are technologies I’ve been working with recently:

  • Javascript

  • Webflow

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Bootstrap

  • Figma

Projects I've Done


  • Javascript

  • CSS

  • HTML

  • Lighthouse

This full website design and build is a landing page for a technology first company, but with a major focus on consumer well-being through a healthy diet. It was built with mordern HTML and CSS best practices in mind.

Image of Omnifood Website
Image of Omnifood Website

Team Website

  • Webflow

  • Figma

A full website design and build for a concept team collaboration platform. This website also includes a beautiful blog. I have built the website and the blog in Webflow which has one of the best CMS for blog hosting.


  • Javascript

  • CSS

  • HTML

  • Lighthouse

This Website build was a challenge from Frontendmentor. The challenge was a perfect test of my layout and responsive skills. There was a tiny bit of JS for the mobile menu, but the focus was on HTML & CSS.

Image of Omnifood Website
Image of Omnifood Website


  • Javascript

  • Bootstrap

  • HTML

  • Lighthouse

A full website design and build for a dog startup. I have built the website using modern CSS layout techniques and a CSS framework (Bootstrap). The site is also fully responsive and adapts to different viewports seamlessly.

Other Noteworthy Projects

What I do


I design beautiful and powerful websites for modern businesses. Any business today needs a website that wins customers’ trust and helps you do your business well. I make sure your website is up to that standard.


I build and develop websites with Code (HTML, CSS, Javascript) and NoCode platforms like Webflow where I can create responsive, powerful and fully custom websites. Plus, Webflow has an incredibly simple Content Editor for you and your team to edit website content quickly and easily.